European Communications
Technology Ltd
PO Box 4020, Pangbourne,
Berks RG8 8TX, UK
Tel: +44(0)118 984 1141.
Fax: +44(0)118 984 1847
Email: support@ect-av.com
We are the UK distributors for the
following audio visual products:
- CUE control systems for
boardrooms, Theme parks, Museums, Show Presentation, and
the ultimate in home theatre environment and audio/visual
media control.

Rear Projection
mirror systems.
The rear Projection mirror
system is tailor made to fit the exact requirements
of the application.
Given the size of mirror,
height, tpe of projector and lens and the length
and width of the projection room, we will supply a
CAD drawing for your exact requirements. When you
receive the product the mirrors are all factory set
so that no technical experience is required for the

Video projector
scissors lift. For projectors that are ceiling
mounted, here's the solution to get your projector
hidden away above the ceiling and then moved down
to the exact projection position. Three stop
positioning also allows for floor servicing. Models
available for single lens and CRT projectors. Give
us the model number and drop distance and we'll
calculate the rest.

Up to A3 size, this
is the answer to true electronic presentations. Put
all your media inputs through the video projector
and throw away that old Over Head
Notice the clean
lines of the pallet with no bottons to get in the
way. Fully automated for ease of use
Let the presenter
concentrate on his speech and the visualizer will
look after the images.

Slide to video
converter. Want to use slides in your electronic
presentations? here's your answer. Take your
standard carousel tray, slot it on the top, connect
to your video projector or monitor, and there you
have it - Electronic images from slides. Slide
operation is straight forward forward, reverse and
- Discrete goose neck
camera,- for video conferencing, training, covert
viewing and close up inspection.
- Xenon slide projectors, for
large auditoriums and equivalent colour temperature to
video projectors.
- Schneider Slide projector
- Navitar Slide projector
lenses and slide to video converters, lenses for single
lens video/data projectors.
- Amplivox Lecterns and self
powered sound delivery systems
- Lecterns
- Radio microphones
- Powered loud hailers
- New The Audio
Portable Buddy. Have you noticed how your video
projectors have very small audio amplification systems?
here's your answer, the Buddy (companion to your video
projector) at 10"x13"x3.5" and weighing 8lbs (with
batteries) it's no bigger than most video projectors and
punches out 50 watts of sterio sound, no power cables
required with battery power giving you 200 hours of talk
time. Additional inputs for dynamic, condenser and
wireless microphones and aux. jack. line outputs to
record your show onto tape.
To receive further information on any
of our products go to our  Page
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Communications Technology Ltd